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Gods' Quest

Greek Mythology Based
Free Visual Novel Kingdom Builder

Visual Novel

Gods' Quest is an adorable visual novel which takes place in the ancient Greece. You get to play as a Spartan shepherd who, one day, happens to be asked to pretend to be the prince of Thracia. You must never let somebody know who you really are, or you will be sentenced to death.


Kingdom Builder

As you progress through, you have to learn how to raise your kingdom as a duty of prince. You will learn how to manage your kingdom, train armies, do researches, and hire heroes who will help you broad your influence over the world.


Real-Time War

Hire heroes, focus on producing units, or you'll be nothing but a prey in the middle of ardent warmongers. To protect yourself from the other lords, you have to be alert and aware of what the others are up to at any moment.


Train Units

Militia, archers, swordsmen, wizards, and titans – organize your army to fit your need in the battlefield. The quantity isn't always the answer. Wisdom about units will eventually grant you the kingship of the worlds.